HEX, RGB Color Finder, Live Color picker eyedropper to find color codes
Color finder makes it easier than ever to get accurate RGB and HEX color code values. Use this extension to find color codes quickly. A color finder enables you to find the perfect color for your design. It accurately identifies the HEX and RGB values. This is a great tool for web developers and graphic designers, as well as anyone who simply loves to find different color codes.
Key Features of Color Finder
1. Find color codes with 100% accuracy
2. User friendly interface
3. Easily copy detected color codes with one click
4. Picks color codes from any online image
5. Smoothly works on all the websites
The Color Finder is an amazing tool for those who love designing images, logos, and webpages. This tool is a great help for developers and designers to find the right color for them. It automatically detects the color codes on your browser and generates color codes that can be copied and used easily. It works smoothly with Windows and Mac PCs. This is the best color picker Edge extension. You can save time and effort by choosing the best one.
It can also be used to find competitors' website color schemes. Install it now and start finding the right color codes for your website, logos, images, and many more things.
Version 1.0.1
>>Bugs Fixed
Version 1.0.0
>>One Click Color Finding update