Z Library is a website full of millions of free eBooks in a number of formats like PDF, EPUB, FB2, MOBI, TXT, and RTF. This extension lets you easily find those free books from Amazon's own website. When you're on any eBook page on Amazon, click this extension at the top of Edge (the eBook icon) to instantly search for the book on Z Library.
You should use this eBook finder if you want to download an eBook from Amazon but not in the format you're offered there. For example, if you want the book you found on Amazon to be in the PDF or MOBI format instead of the Kindle file format, you can use this extension to search for an alternate file format. Then, you can read the book on any device you want without being restricted to a Kindle or Kindle app.
It's important to understand that Z Library has copyrighted material for download. I DO NOT condone such downloads. This extension is solely for finding different file formats of public domain books, limited-time free books, etc. You are wholly responsible for the books you download through Z Library. Also, since this extension is free, take note that I may receive compensation from Amazon for any purchases you make while using Amazon if this extension is installed and enabled during the time of purchase.