Sea Tab



Open a tab, clean the ocean
🌊 Clean the ocean by opening browser tabs!

With Sea Tab you can:

– Help rid the ocean of trash 🗑️
– Make a huge difference 😊
– Get a beautiful ocean-themed browser tab 💻
-Track how much waste you've helped eliminate ✔️

With Sea Tab every time you open a new tab you'll see a beautiful ocean-themed new tab page. You can choose between viewing full-page background photos or videos. All of our media is curated to ensure that you'll get new breathtaking pictures and videos every day. If you don't like your background picture you can use our skip button and go to the next one. You get 10 picture and video skips per day. There is also a small noninvasive ad displayed at the bottom of the page. The money generated from the ad will be donated to charities that are dedicated to cleaning the ocean. A to-do list, your bookmarks, and favorite shortcuts are also available. With Sea Tab, you can also easily search with your favorite browser from our search bar. In the top corner of the page, a counter is shown displaying how much trash you've helped eliminate from the ocean. You can also customize your browser to show ocean-themed background videos instead of images. Most of the features of the Sea Tab page are customizable.

Sea Tab is super easy to use. It takes a few moments to install and it's completely free. The best part is you can make a huge difference with Sea Tab. We estimate that our average user can help get rid of around 180 pounds of trash from the ocean every year!

What are you waiting for? Install Sea Tab and start making a meaningful difference.

