With this extension, you can read, edit and manipulate records inside one or multiple SQLite databases. The extension displays records in a table format. You can plot these tables or export them in CSV format.
The extension has one sample SQLite database in case you need to play with SQLite statements. Also, you can create one or multiple new databases in your browser memory to start from scratch.
This extension uses the WASM version of SQLite to open the database using its JavaScript engine. There is no need to have any native application to work with SQLite databases anymore.
This extension mixes Mathematica liked environment with NC to have multiple computational regions to run statements on different databases in a single window.
There is an internal plotting component that uses "Chart.js" to plot your records in "pie", "donut", or "line" formats.
It is possible to drop a database to the interface to start working with it or inspecting the table structure.
This extension uses the latest compiled version of SQLite so it is compatible with the latest official statements.
This extension works completely offline. There is no data sent or receive from any server whatsoever.