AWS Extend Switch Roles



Switch role history does not remain only five maximum on the AWS Management Console. This extension gives you show all of switch roles from a browse menu by loading your aws configuration.

## Configuration

### Simple Configuration
The simplest configuration is for multiple **target roles** when you always intend to show the whole list. **Target roles** can be expressed with a `role_arn` or with both `aws_account_id` and `role_name`.

#### Optional parameters

* `color` – The RGB hex value (without the prefix '#') for the color of the header bottom border and around the current profile.
* `region` – Changing the region whenever switching the role if this parameter is specified.
* `image` – The uri of an image to use on top of any color attribute supplied. The color and image are not mutually exclusive.

[profile marketingadmin]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/marketingadmin
color = ffaaee

aws_account_id = 987654321987
role_name = anotherrole

aws_account_id = 987654321988
role_name = athirdrole
image = ""

### Complex Configuration
More complex configurations involve multiple AWS accounts and/or organizations.

– A profile that has only `aws_account_id` (without a `role_name`) is defined as **base account**.

– **If your account is aliased, the alias will be shown in the role dropdown after 'Account:'. You MUST use that alias as the aws_account_id for the base account instead of the numerical account id or your configuration won't work as expected.**

– A **target role** is associated with a **base account** by the **target role** specifying a `source_profile`.

– As above, **target roles** can be expressed with a `role_arn` or with both `aws_account_id` and `role_name` and can optionally pass the optional parameters.

– If `target_role_name` is set in **base account**, the value is provided as the default role name for each **target roles**.

aws_account_id = your-account-alias

role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Role1
source_profile = organization1

aws_account_id = 123456789012
role_name = Role2
source_profile = organization1

aws_account_id = 210987654321
role_name = Role1
source_profile = organization1

aws_account_id = 000000000000

role_arn = arn:aws:iam::234567890123:role/Role1
source_profile = baseaccount2

role_name = SomeOtherRole
aws_account_id = account-3-alias

; target_role_name example
aws_account_id = 222200000000
target_role_name = Developer

aws_account_id = 222200001111
source_profile = Org2-BaseAccount

aws_account_id = 222200002222
role_name = Manager ; overrides target role name
source_profile = Org2-BaseAccount

If you sign-in a base account, target roles of the other base accounts are excluded.

For more information, please visit the homepage.

