This extension reduces the screen brightness level for both daytime and nighttime periods based on user-defined values. It is meant to be used with websites that do not support the native dark theme. It is designed to reduce eyestrain while reading documents online when dark mode is not supported. To enhance usability, the extension offers two different values for daytime and nighttime duration.
1. By setting the brightness level to 100%, the extension does not affect browser tabs (does not inject any CSS styling)
2. It is recommended to configure the start time for both daytime and nighttime. By default, daytime starts at 08:00, and nighttime starts at 19:00.
1. You can now increase or decrease the brightness level from the popup interface or by configuring custom keyboard shortcuts
2. You can add or remove a website from the popup interface. By removing it, the extension does not alter the website brightness at all. This way, you can turn off the extension on websites that support dark mode.
3. This extension does not reduce the screen brightness when printing a webpage. There is a CSS selector that only affects "screen" type displays.