Throw one by one rotten tomatoes in any area of almost any site on the Internet.
We have all heard of or even seen people throwing rotten tomatoes when disappointed in a live performance. Now you have the opportunity to throw tomatoes in websites that deserve it.
Tomato website destroyer for Microsoft Edge™ is always at hand when necessary to blow off steam on sites that really infuriates.
Just click on the website destroyer extension icon in the toolbar menu of the browser and throw tomatoes by mouse clicking in the nasty sites.
Tomatoes will fall on the webpage and flatten out on its surface, spraying the pulp and juice on the sides.
Let the websites know your anger and resentment. Use Tomato destroyer game!
And also it can be used for streaming and video to express how your feel about bad web sites, pages and services.
In the new release, we have added a collection of objects for throwing in websites:
– Rotten tomato;
– Slime;
– A rotten egg;
– Banana.